Velammal Engineering College
An Autonomous Institution
Velammal Newgen Park, Ambattur-Red Hills Road, Chennai - 600 066
Tel.: 044-26590758 and 26591842
Fax No. : 044-26591771, E-mail :
Student Enquiry Form
Tick or Respond suitably in BLOCK LETTERS :
*Admission Year :    
Course Type :  
*Name of the Candidate (As per X std marklist) :  
*Community :  
*Nationality :  
*Date of Birth :  
*Name of the Father / Guardian :  
*Address for Communication :   (Enter Complete Address)
Pincode :  
*Mobile No. :  
(SMS will be sent to this number)
Alternate Contact No. :  
Email id :  
*School studied in X std :  
X std Register No. :  
(Enter Correct Number)
* Percentage of Marks scored in X std :  
*School studied in XII std :  
Name of School studied in XII std :  
Location of School studied in XII std :  
*Board of study :  
XII std Exact Register No. :  
(Enter Correct Number)
* Expected Marks/Percentage of Marks scored in XII std :  
Percentage of Marks :   Physics(%) :  

Maths(%) :  

Chemistry(%) :  

Course studied under UG :  
Percentage of marks in UG :  
College preferred :  

Course preferred in Engineering :    
First Choice :     
Second Choice :    
Third Choice :    
Easy 6.0